Ash Bash

Athletic Background: I’m a runner! I’ve been running 5ks for just over a year now, and I hope to bump up the mileage to a half-marathon soon!

Most Proud Derby Moment: My draft calls from Tober and Statter.

Explain Your Derby Name: Back before clinics this year, a coworker nicknamed me “Ash Bash” for the pure rhyming joy of it. When another coworker, our very own Professor Harm, overheard, he said, “There’s your derby name!”

What Brought You To Derby: I knew a skater in my graduate program in Alabama, and thought derby seemed interesting, but I “didn’t have time.” After I moved here, Professor Harm invited a bunch of people to a bout and invited me to skating lessons at the Roller Garden–and I was hooked!

Signature Move: I like to skate fastfastfast.