2023 Strategic Plan

Foster Belonging and Equity

1. Empower league members to feel safe, included, and heard

• Ensure all league members (Competitive Skaters, Officials, Volunteers, Staff, Satellites, and Cosmos) feel welcomed and valued

• Honor league members and volunteers time, mental, and physical health and expectations for practice hours, ability, etc.

  • Assess workload for the league and how much time folks can reasonably volunteer
  • Explore alternative involvement levels/expectations for league membership

• Revise the league handbook to better align the document with our mission and values by removing outdated language and making necessary updates to policies

• Establish lasting league education program to provide off-track learning opportunities for league members

  • Bias training
  • Radical self care
  • Intersectionality and fitness
  • Anti-racism
  • Conflict resolution
  • Active bystander training
  • Financial transparency

• Write and uphold fan code of conduct to prioritize the safety and security of all league membersand event attendees

• Make sure all bodies are represented on our website, media, and online shop

2. Identify and remove barriers to roller derby

• Explore creating a gear recycling and rehoming network to help connect skaters with gear

• Actualize the dues discount programs

  • Self-identifying: Black, Indigenous, or Person of Color (BIPOC), Trans,
    non-binary, gender non-conforming, Two Spirit.
  • Needs based

• Develop recruiting strategies that include (and center) diverse communities

• Include GNC bathrooms at bouts and other events

• Reevaluate minimum skills requirements for safety and accessibility

3. Representation for new and “non-league” skaters, including Rookies, Transfers, Satellites, and Cosmos

• Fine-tune new league member onboarding for Rookies and Transfers

• Create representative to foster engagement

  • Host quarterly check-ins

Strengthen Community Connections

1. Build programs for fan and donor engagement

• Build a Super Fan section to celebrate and encourage season ticket holders, monthly donors and other committed fans.

• Create resources that educate and excite fans and new players about the rules and game play of roller derby

• Provide easily accessible physical and digital spaces for fans and members to convene and connect

• Create a higher-profile NSRD booth at bouts (NSRD Information Space Station)

  • Volunteer sign up–prepare staffers with open jobs and descriptions. 
  • Donation box
  • Email list sign-up
  • Social media contact cards
  • Programming information

2. Increase extra-league engagement

• Create more external volunteer opportunities for our league members to be engaged in the Twin Cities community

• Engage alumni by keeping them included in league happenings, asking for donations, and Volunteer assistance

  • Create Volunteer Coordinator that works across committees
  • Find a committee to home this position
  • Friends of NSRD email list
  • Engage Satellites, Cosmos and Staff in volunteer opportunities

• Host a mutual-aid bout

3. Increase intra-league engagement

• Provide non-derby education and outreach opportunities to all members through regular communication 

  • North Stargazer

• Support a thriving engagement committee that provides opportunities for non-derby engagement with all league members

4. Build meaningful partnerships

• Build our organization’s visibility in the Twin Cities community in order to find partners excited to work with us

  • Find successful avenues for bringing other organizations into our space to supplement rent and foster community visibility and involvement 

• Connect with organizations that can use our skills in training

• Utilize the Partnership Audit process to evaluate our financial partnerships, and make informed decisions when using NSRD’s purchasing power

• Support youth roller derby through our continued partnership with Twin Cities Junior Roller Derby (TCJRD)

• Create outward facing value documents in order to target new sponsors and potential partners.

• Celebrate amazing artists, local businesses and community leaders to help raise their visibility

  • Host diverse vendors, entertainment, and partners at each bout

Cultivate a Thriving Organizational Structure

1. Provide clarity on league duties and roles

• Write clear committee descriptions that include expectations for committee heads and other
organizationally recognized positions.

• Update org chart to reflect leadership, committees, and division of work

• Create clear bout day duties and expectations to ensure full production bouts run smoothly

2. Build systems that spread leadership responsibilities throughout the league, and encourage all league members to take on leadership roles during their membership

• Create continuity between outgoing and incoming Board of Directors by establishing a knowledge base of Board operations, duties and expectations

• Normalize knowledge sharing throughout the league

• Create a documented program for captain onboarding to ensure that team leaders are equipped to support their teams, as well as the larger organization as leaders

  • Support successful onboarding of team leadership by creating a
    captain’s handbook

3. Increase accessibility to league resources Resources and Accessibility

• Create intranet which is readily available to all league members, and will serve as a source of up to date information and announcements.

  • FAQ
  • Suggestions

• Formalize Bench Staff into Volunteer or Staff positions to ensure they have access to league communications in real time

• Increase league understanding of HR options, procedures, and support systems

4. Operate a financially sustainable organization

• Create a sponsorship program that addresses financial levels accessible to a variety of business sizes

• Create a network of sponsors and financial contributors that is reliable and supportive

  • Create monthly giving club to encourage regular giving and further connect with donors
  • Cultivate personal relationships with donors and sponsors
  • Use Friends of NSRD email list to encourage donations
  • Seek out in-kind sponsors that provide value to our league members

• Examine ticket options and pricing and sales packages to increase ticket sales 

• Develop sustainable system for gathering data on merch sales, and other merch data, in order to maximize profits

Create a Positive Sporting Community On and Off Skates

1. Build comprehensive pipeline for injured skaters to return to play

2. Create a new structure for ensuring skaters are ready to participate at scrimmage, bout, and travel team levels

• Remove all MSR language from the league handbook

• Provide a wide variety of programming to encourage skater growth at all levels

• Meet people where they are at

• Promote, encourage, and enforce a good sports conduct

• Define good sports conduct and include in NSRD Code of Conduct

3. Increase understanding and respect between skaters and officials

4. Promote safe behavior practices

• Provide resources for intersection of mental and physical health

• Normalize taking a break and sharing tasks when you lead

5. Promote messaging on all platforms and at practices that Satellites are athletes

6. Increase opportunities for different membership groups to get to know each other off the track

7. Emphasize league member retention

• Create a Rookie Representative/Liaison to help guide new league-members through their first season

• Celebrate and publicize years served on the league

• Promote league member awards and committee milestones