99 Ida Kildher

# 99


You have a job to do.


Number: 99
Nickname: Ida, Ida-mom
Hometown: Lakeville, MN
Real Life Job: Music Educator

Team(s): Violent Femmes (2006-13), Supernovas (2009-2016), Delta Bench Coach (2014-present)
Athletic Background: Basketball, softball, competitive adult kickball, running, lifting
Awards and Accolades: I was given MVP jammer or blocker in a few travel team bouts and some Strategizer team awards at the end of the season. Though the ones that mean the most to me are League Motivator and League Trainer awards the last 2 years.
Most Memorable Derby Moment: Winning the last derby game I ever played in Kalamazoo. A close second would be the Treasure Valley game at Brewhaha where I had 3 apex jumps in a row.
What’s Your Bout Day Routine? Early morning run, solid breakfast, lots of coffee and prepping my locker room talks (ok, really I make them up on the fly).
Any Derby Related Metal? Nope.

Favorite Movie Genre: I don’t really watch a lot of movies, so I don’t have one.
What Actor Would Play You in a Movie of Your Life? Someone totally badass and athletic. Maybe Demi Moore circa GI Jane?
Favorite Movie Quote: “Alright, Alright, Alright…”