101 Professor Harm

# 101


Catch Phrase: Tweet!…Tweet Tweet!…Tweet Tweet Tweet Tweet!

Athletic Background: Haha!

Most Proud Derby Moment: The Babe City after party.

Roller Derby Nickname(s): Harms, Professor Ham, P Harm, Harm

Explain Your Derby Name: It was a combination of a typo and inappropriate address in an email I got from a student. My real last name is Harms, and she made that common college freshman mistake of thinking all of her teachers, including me, is a professor. I’m totally not. But the point is that she called me “Professor Harm.”

What Brought You To Derby: I was friends with a retired NSRG skater, who was coincidentally one of the more awesome people I’d ever met, so I decided to go to a bout. Three months later, I was a league member.

Signature Move: Toestop running, which is totally not a ref skill, but whatever.

First Thing You Do After A Bout?: Something of great importance, I’m sure.