Number: 8
Nickname: Cy, Ally, Cyclone, Hey you!
Hometown: I don’t have one. I’ve moved cross country 14 times. If I had to pick, it’d be Texas or Ames, Iowa. I wouldn’t mind moving back to Hawai’i either.
Real Life Job: Software Developer
Teams: Violent Femmes (2015-2018), Travel Team (2015-2017), Sac City Rollers in Sacramento, CA (2012-2014)
Athletic Background: I fouled out of too many basketball games as a kid so I ran track instead. Now I play derby and lift heavy stuff.
Awards and Accolades: League ACTion Award for Season 11 & 12
Most Memorable Derby Moment: I cracked my femur in a bout and didn’t even know it. It hurt a bit, but I just assumed I tweaked my MCL. I found out 2 months later that I’d actually cracked it.
What’s Your Bout Day Routine? Sleep in. Eat a big breakfast. Put headphones on, crank up my bout day playlist, and shut the rest of the world out. Party when it’s all over.
Any Derby Related Metal? No metal, but I’ve got a brand new ankle made out of a couple poly anchors and fiber tape. 20+ years of being a klutz took its toll. Surprisingly, roller derby and power lifting didn’t make it better.
Favorite Movie Genre: Mess with your brain scary movies, ridiculous comedies, and anything with Joshua Jackson or Alexander Skarsgard.
What Actor Would Play You in a Movie of Your Life? Laura Prepon
Favorite Movie Quote: “37! … In a row?”
- Photo credit: ShutHerUp Photography