2024 Space Camp

Hello Skaters!!

This year we are starting a new program called SPACE CAMP!! This summer roller derby training program is designed to get new skaters ready for joining a competitive home team in the fall! (This is similar but not exactly the same as our former “bootcamps”.)


Space Camp 1 will cost $40 and run for six weeks (May 13 – June 19) with practices 2x per week, with some additional derby-watching opportunities with our vet skaters. All skaters are welcome to join Space Camp 1, regardless of experience, skill level, or intention of joining a home team. The goal of Space Camp 1 is to make sure everyone is up to speed on their basics (working on Full Contact Skills) and ready for tryouts which will take place July 14th. 


You can register for SPACE CAMP HERE!
Registration via Google Form is required ahead of time, though you can register anytime, including same day. There is no deadline, and skaters can join even after the start! 

Why join Space Camp?

Space Camp 1 is not required to attend tryouts, but it is highly encouraged so you are all ready for the next step. Tryouts and Space Camp 2 are required if you want to be drafted onto a home team. Still not sure? Well, here are some Space Camp 1 benefits:

  • Mentors: Space Camp 1 participants will also be paired with a skating mentor to help you better understand the league, build relationships, and get more one-on-one feedback. 

  • Badges & prizes: We will also have some fun space camp themed prizes along the way for things like shooting star and most practice hours clocked!

  • Rules & Strategy: We will have opportunities to watch travel team practice and scrimmages in a learning environment to help you better understand rules and advanced gameplay. MORE DERBY!


To attend Space Camp, skaters must be 18+ with full gear (helmet, mouth guard, elbow & knee pads, wrist guards, quad roller skates). Proof of primary health insurance and vaccination is required. If you need help with gear, check out this gear guide or let us know if you have questions! (We have some discount codes for ordering online, and can often wrangle some loaner gear if you need help getting started.) 

Please bring the following to your first practice:    You cannot participate without these things!

  • $40 cash (or $42 Venmo) WFTDA Insurance is not required for Space Camp 1.

  • a valid photo ID (18+)

  • COVID vaccination card/Docket

  • proof of primary health insurance

When and where? 

Space Camp starts May 13th at our practice space at 3255 Spring Street NE, Minneapolis.

Mon 5/13 6:00-7:30
Thur 5/16 6:30-8:00
Sun 5/19 2:00-3:30
Wed 5/22 6:00-7:30
Wed 5/29 7:30-9:00
Thur 5/30 6:30-8:00
Sun 6/2 4:00-5:30
Thur 6/6 6:30-8:00
Sun 6/9 2:00-3:30
Mon 6/10 6:30-8:00
Sun 6/16 4:00-5:30
Wed 6/19 6:30-8:00

We will be adding some dates to watch scrimmages, TT practice, etc. with our vet skaters to learn strategy and gameplay!

  • Plan to arrive about 20 minutes early to get checked in and geared up to start skating by the scheduled time. 

    • If at all possible, always try to arrive with enough time to get geared up BEFORE practice starts!

  • Park in the east lot, go through the door marked NSRD.

  • This is a concrete floor in a warehouse, so expect some dust!


What’s next?

Tryouts will on Sunday, July 14th, time TBD. If you would like to be drafted onto a home team in September, plan to attend tryouts!

Home team captains will make assessments at tryouts, looking at things like skating skills, hustle, endurance, and coachability. Then they will invite skaters to Space Camp 2. Those who meet all requirements during Space Camp 2, including practice & volunteer hours and skills assessments, will be placed into a draft pool. Captains will get together to draft from that pool of new skaters to fill out rosters on the home teams in mid September. While not everyone is guaranteed a spot on a team, NSRD has several options for staying involved and on skates, including Cosmos, officiating, and Satellites. 

TL;DR – How do I join one of North Star’s competitive home teams? 

  1. Space Camp 1: Register now! 6 weeks to get ready for tryouts! No minimum requirements for skills, practice, or volunteer hours.

  2. Tryouts: July 14 – required for draft

  3. Space Camp 2: ~8 weeks mid July to mid Sept to get ready for scrimmaging & home team draft! 50% practice attendance requirement, a few volunteer hours, and meet scrimmage eligibility – required for draft

  4. Rookie Scrimmage: show off your hard work to friends & family!

  5. Draft: Mid-September home teams select new players

  6. Home teams & Draft Party! Welcome to new home team, Cosmos, or officials!

We can’t wait to start Space Camp with you! If you’re new to North Star, you might want to peruse the website, sign up for our monthly newsletter, or follow us on Facebook or Instagram! If you have additional questions or concerns, email the Heads of Recruiting Red Panda (redpanda@northstarrollerderby.com) & Daryl B. Blood (darylbb@northstarrollerderby.com). 

We look forward to seeing you on the track!